Autumn and Summer Read online

Page 5

  My smile faltered as I thought about Gabriella Torres. Although John Orlando had introduced me to a number of people during my first day in the office, several people weren’t in the office during that time so there were plenty of people I had yet to meet—Ms. Torres being one of them.

  As if on cue, Gabriella strolled in wearing a pantsuit that hugged her body tightly. The light clinking of her heels on the floor announced that she was descending upon the group without her having to open her mouth. Everyone quieted as she took her seat toward the head of the table. We all sat in silence as we waited for the last few members of the team to be seated. Glancing around the table, I noticed everyone’s eyes diverting away from her. Going with the flow, I sat back in my chair and relaxed.

  I can’t believe how fast everything is moving. I have so much to do, I thought as I tapped my pen against the notepad in front of me. Today is the day I get my first real assignment. Once I get an idea of how much time I need to budget for that, I can start figuring out where I can go to meet Autumn’s Mr. Right!

  “What’s the name of that place on Vine you told me about?” I whispered to Meghan, keeping my head down and focused on the notepad.

  “It had to be either Dirty Dozen or FX. Those are the only worthy places on Vine Street,” Meghan whispered back conspiratorially.

  I wrote the words ‘thank you’ in the corner of the notepad before writing down Dirty Dozen and FX so I wouldn’t forget.

  I will not be intimidated about finding Autumn a worthy man, I thought, giving myself a pep talk as my stomach turned. Just because she is the best person I’ve ever met in my whole damn life and deserves the kind of man that I’ve never heard of existing outside of movies and romance novels, I won’t be intimidated. Oh my God, what am I going to do? I don’t know why I thought I would just bump into ten high-quality men in my first week living here. What the hell was I thinking? Of course, I never thought that she would agree! She never does anything like this. She’s so…so level headed! Okay, I always land on my feet. I’ll figure something out. Unconsciously, I started tapping my pen faster against the notepad. There has to be a pool of educated, sexy, single men that I can tap into. There has—

  “Good morning!” John called out, interrupting my thoughts as he quickly moved toward the head of the table in his jeans and graphic t-shirt. “June is here!”

  Everyone clapped enthusiastically in response so I joined in quickly.

  “This meeting is going to be short and sweet because we need to get started today,” John started, picking up the remote to the projector and clicking to the next slide. “June is our biggest issue. When summer is in the air, people want more Style Magazine. So here’s how we are going to triple our numbers this summer…” John paused for added effect and then clicked to the next slide. “Style Magazine’s ‘Summer of Love’.”

  As a murmur erupted through the crowd, my eyebrows flew up. Summer of Love, I repeated silently, letting the tagline roll over my mind.

  “Style Magazine’s ‘Summer of Love’ will be dedicated to summer romances, summer flings, summer dates. We will feature the best places to go, best things to do, and most importantly, some eligible people to do those things with! June will feature twenty of the area’s most eligible bachelors. July will feature twenty of the area’s most eligible bachelorettes. And August…well August will be a surprise,” he laughed. “We need to focus on June. I’m going to be honest with you, this is going to be a lot. Everyone will have to bring their best work—especially those of you who are tasked with writing the articles on the bachelors. This isn’t some cheesy dating magazine. The twenty men and women selected are high caliber and major contributors to the area in some way, shape, or form. This issue is going to get a lot of attention and I don’t want to sound like a cliché, but this will make or break your career.”

  As John continued with the presentation, I listened intently and took notes. The cornerstone of the assignment was the interviews, but with each interview, a big glossy picture would accompany it. I smiled at the possibilities.

  When the meeting adjourned and we were officially given our tasks, everyone hustled to the high tables around the main floor to collaborate with their groups. The newer writers were assigned to write about the various places and things to do in June. The seasoned writers were assigned to interview and write about the June bachelors. And I was assigned to be the photographer for each of the bachelors, working hand in hand with the seasoned writers.

  I caught two female writers who I’d only seen once in passing since I started with Style Magazine exchange a disapproving look when my assignment was read. As I walked to the last available barstool at the table, I shook my head and smirked. I love being underestimated, I thought as I recalled the whispers and sidelong glances they exchanged. Sitting across from them, the brown haired girl looked at me and I winked. Bring it on, bitches!

  “Here’s the list of bachelors,” Gabriella Torres announced, dropping off eleven sheets of paper. Before we had a chance to pick up our lists, Gabriella slammed a manicured hand down in the center of the papers. The loud smack made us all jump. Her brown eyes bore into us and I felt the tension.

  After a moment of silence, Gabriella whispered, “There’s a lot riding on this ‘Summer of Love’ series. If June doesn’t do well, there will be some major changes being made…starting with all of you. John is a lot more easygoing and trusting than I am because, let me be the first to tell you, I wouldn’t have chosen any of you to work on this project. Well, maybe you, Tyler. But the rest of you, you need to prove yourselves. And you…” She looked at me and sneered. “I can’t believe John trusts this project to an untested amateur. You better pray you get this right, new girl.”

  As soon as I opened my mouth to respond, John Orlando appeared. “Gabriella, our meeting is starting soon,” he said as he walked by.

  Giving us one last look, she turned on her heel and followed John out of the work room.

  “Wow,” Tyler breathed, running his hand through his prematurely greying hair. He adjusted his glasses and then handed each of us our sheets of paper. We all reviewed the list in silence, but I was fuming.

  How dare she talk to me like that? I bristled silently. My eyes flitted over the list, not recognizing any names, but I was preoccupied with my growing hatred for Mega Bitch.

  “Listen, we are all competent at what we do. John hired us all for a reason. Let’s do our jobs and shut the haters up,” Tyler said.

  We spent the next thirty minutes figuring out deadlines. The writers divided the list up, each taking two people. I had to photograph all twenty. And that’s when the idea hit me. All twenty of these men are eligible bachelors. At least half of them are likely to be Autumn’s type…which means I have my pool of educated, sexy, and single men! I can photograph them and chat them up and then see who would be interested in dating my best friend. Easy!

  “…so are you good with that?” Tyler asked. “Summer?”

  Shit! I thought nervously, looking around. Everyone had gotten up from the table except Tyler. I got so excited about Autumn’s future dates that I completely spaced on the conversation. Not that it is completely necessary for me to pay attention to who is writing about who since my job is to shoot the photos. Sometimes it helps to know the direction of the piece but they don’t even know that right now. Crap, he’s still looking at me. I did it again!

  “Summer!” Tyler repeated.

  “I’m sorry. I—”

  “Don’t let what Gabriella said get to you. Just pay attention and do your job.”

  “Thanks, Tyler.”

  With a tight smile, I got up from the table with the list of bachelors. After setting up photo shoot appointments with each bachelor for the next couple of weeks, I sat back in my office chair while reviewing my calendar.

  Starting tomorrow, this is going to be a breakneck schedule. Between the actual shoots and the edits and any reshoots that need to take place, this month I am completely booked, I thou
ght as I exhaled a deep breath. Contentment and complete satisfaction rolled through my body and I squeezed my eyes shut.

  “Knock, knock,” Meghan said as she stood in the doorway. “You okay?”

  “I’m good. Great actually! And to think, it’s not even Friday.”

  “Good. I just wanted to check on you. I just heard about Mega Bitch when I was getting some coffee. Just wanted to make sure she didn’t get to you.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “No, she didn’t. But here’s what I don’t get about why you call her Mega Bitch. She never transforms. I’ve never seen or heard of her being anything other than a bitch.”

  “Oh yeah you have,” Meghan responded, walking through the doorway and right up to the edge of my desk. “You were here the day Mr. Ford was here. Gabriella turns the charm all the way on for hot guys…or anyone with power. And then as soon as they are gone, she’s back to bitch mode. She’s a transformer. Hence the name, Mega Bitch.” She raised her eyebrows and then turned on her heels. “I have to get back to my desk, but I’m glad you’re okay.”

  I didn’t forget about Mr. Ford. I had pushed him out of my mind as soon as I walked into my interview. I needed to focus on new opportunities. I needed to focus on my new job. I needed to focus on my new city. I needed to focus on my dating game with Autumn. A model type sex symbol who almost melted my panties off with a fleeting glance in an elevator was not what I needed. But as soon as Meghan said his name, my skin tingled and my stomach dropped. Mr. Ford, I mused silently.

  Before she could walk out of the door, I called out to her. “Hey, Meghan. Was Mr. Ford Mega Bitch’s boyfriend?”

  “God no! I’m sure she wishes though. He has this mysterious, tough guy image that’s working for him. And he’s sexy, right?”

  “I suppose,” I shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact by looking down at my desk.

  “Bullshit,” Meghan laughed before walking away.

  I laughed as I straightened the papers on my desk. Yeah, she’s right. ‘I suppose’ doesn’t quite describe the way that suit fit his muscular body or the way his sculpted jaw made his full lips look kissable or the way the clear blue of his eyes looked right into the core of me or—nope, I’m not going there. I’m not choosing my own guys this month. Or ever again. My track record speaks for itself. I will go on a bunch of dates this month, courtesy of Autumn’s selection for me.

  Putting some music on, I spent the rest of the day working out the details and creating the treatments for the upcoming photo shoots. The idea was to have two photos—one in their office and the other in a location that could showcase where they relax. Before I could work out the third set-up, design and location, my phone rang.

  “Hello?” I picked up the phone and looked at the time.

  “I have your first date already lined up,” Autumn responded as soon as I answered.

  “What?” I gasped. “Autumn! Are you serious?”

  “Yes! I’m so excited. But I have to finish up this email so I can leave in a few. See you tonight!”

  “Wait! When is it?”

  “Sunday night! Oh, you don’t have to work, do you?”

  “No, I have to work on Sunday but it’s early.” Even though it was my idea, the nerves bubbled up inside me. “Auty, that was fast!”

  “I know! But after I thought about it for a couple of days, I started really getting into the idea. I scoured his social media and there’s nothing questionable about him. He seems awesome. Fun and crazy, just like you. And he’s cute. Really cute.”

  I smiled despite myself and squealed into the phone. “I’m excited! The mystery is already killing me!”

  Laughing, Autumn responded, “Exactly! I hear you jamming over there.”

  “Yes, girl. I’ve had this one song on repeat. It’s been my inspiration.”

  “Nice! Okay, I gotta go. See you at home!”

  Hanging up the phone, the reality of my plan started sinking in. Grabbing my list of bachelors, I looked the names over and realized I didn’t recognize any of them. The one-line biographies of the men just listed their age, the companies they work for, their current title and their favorite hobby. Because I finished the photography treatments of the first three shoots, I focused on those three men. Searching online and checking social media, only two of them seemed like viable candidates for Autumn.

  Brecken James, twenty-five, TV news anchor, swimmer. Jordan Moretti, twenty-nine, restaurateur and head chef, painter, I mentally noted as I wrote down their names. As I clicked through their websites, I decided both were definitely hot, smart and interesting enough to get on the top bachelor list, and obviously gainfully employed.

  Tomorrow I shoot Brecken…and Sunday I shoot Jordan. Hopefully I can secure a date for Autumn this weekend! And then let the games truly begin, I thought with a smile.

  Glancing at the clock, I realized I’d been off the clock for forty minutes. Taking one last look at my email, I saw there was a message from Meghan telling me she had to head out early.

  Wow, I must have been in the zone, I thought as I gathered everything I needed for the Friday morning photo shoot. I packed my camera bag and tote and shut down my computer. I walked down the hall and realized most of the offices were dark. The people who were still hanging around were in The Pit.

  Hitting the elevator button, I adjusted my camera bag on my shoulder and pushed my tote further up on my forearm. With my back to the office, my thoughts were consumed with this mystery date. What am I going to wear on my date? The black strapless dress or the black romper or—. My thoughts trailed off as the door slid open.

  Wearing a grey suit with a light blue dress shirt that matched his eyes, he stood with his hands in his pockets looking at his matte black shoes. When his eyes shifted to me, I felt my entire body heat up. And finally, when our eyes met, my heart stopped before hammering in my chest.

  What is happening? I’m Summer Skye Wilson. I don’t get nervous around men. Even though I haven’t officially met him or talked to him, Mr. Ford is just a man…granted, he is a sexy, well dressed mystery man… but a man nonetheless. Nothing to be nervous about. Walk into the elevator, I thought as the elevator doors began to shut. Without breaking our eye contact, he leaned forward and hit a button, reopening the doors.

  “Are you coming?” he asked as the doors opened back up. It was the first time I’d ever heard his voice. It was rich and velvety and I instantly felt a tension between my thighs.

  Am I coming? I repeated his question in my mind as I was jolted from our trance. Is he trying to turn me on?

  Shaking my head to clear it of the sexually charged thoughts, I walked into the elevator car. “Thanks,” I said softly, hoping the vivid mental image that was starting to formulate in my mind wasn’t apparent on my face or in my voice. Trying to readjust my camera bag on my shoulder as I turned around to face the doors, I bumped him—hard.

  “Oh no! I’m sorry,” I apologized quickly.

  I tried not to notice that the heavy bag knocked into him, yet his muscular frame barely moved. He just looked at me for a second before responding. “Apology accepted.”

  I should’ve been embarrassed, but instead, I was incredibly horny and off my game in his presence. The silence as we descended the floors increased the tension in the small space. My first instinct was to flirt to break the silence; however, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’ve never been shy but I was smart enough to know when my brain had turned itself off. Conversation, flirtatious or otherwise, would not go well with the Greek god that was sharing my air supply. The smell of his cologne was suffocating me and turning me into a horny, inarticulate, clumsy person. Just don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything, I chanted to myself.

  “So…” I trailed off as I continued to stare straight ahead, watching the numbers decrease as we traveled to the ground floor. “You work in the building?”

  At least you didn’t ask him what kind of cologne he’s wearing, I thought in semi-celeb
ration and borderline pride that I hadn’t one-hundred percent embarrassed myself.

  I could feel him looking at me and I did not want to look back. “Yes,” he responded, and just the sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

  Not knowing what to say or do next, I just smiled and nodded while staring at the light that indicated what floor we were passing. I started humming the song that had been on repeat in my office all afternoon, but even that didn’t distract me enough.

  “What do you know about The Panties?” he asked, sounding impressed.

  Still refusing to look at him, I retorted, “It was never released as a single so what do you know about it?”

  “Mos Def is one of my favorites,” he answered. “I’m just surprised you know that one.”

  “No one knows that one,” we both said at the exact same time.

  Caught off guard by us saying the same thing at the same time, I finally succumbed to the intense mixture of curiosity and tension that had built. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and glanced over at him.

  I shouldn’t have done that, I thought as I inhaled sharply.

  I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. His eyes pierced me as if he could see into my soul. The energy between us was undeniable.

  “You should be a model,” I blurted out, dropping my gaze to his lips.

  The left corner of his mouth turned up slightly as he smirked at me. “Who said I wasn’t?”

  His smartass reply sounded like something I would say and I fought a smile. I’m going to call his bluff, I thought.

  Channeling the real me and not the pod person I had become in his presence, I blocked out the way he was trying to pull me in with those hypnotizing eyes. I decided it was time to rattle him. Shifting a fraction of an inch closer to him, I flirted, “Oh, well if that’s the case, you should pose for me sometime.”