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- Danielle Allen
Heartfelt Page 3
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Page 3
I looked at her blankly. “Okay…”
“Meredith is in this situation because of her inappropriate behavior toward you. So it’s up to you, Roman. If you’re not okay with me writing a recommendation for her, I won’t.”
The door opened and a woman with several boxes stood waiting.
“Oh! Monroe! I was looking for you,” the woman said, smiling brightly.
“Hi, Shay,” Monroe replied, bursting out of the elevator. “I’m sorry. I got distracted.”
Shay looked at me long and hard before noting, “I can see why.”
Monroe turned to me and said, “Think about what I said and let me know, please. I need to get Shay moved in.”
With a strained smile, I nodded at the two of them as I hit the button for the fifth floor.
Meredith was never dangerous. She was never a legitimate threat to me or my wellbeing. But she definitely used information from my past to try to prove that she knew me. And her behavior toed the line of stalking with her creepy messages. I shook my head. The only reason I didn’t involve the police is because I didn’t want anything to mess up my deal with Charlotte Spence. That’s the only reason.
Once I was inside of my studio, my eyes gravitated immediately to the canvas I worked on over the weekend. I wanted to present something new when I spoke to the art students at VCU. I eyed the piece critically. It wasn’t complete, but it was taking shape. If I wanted to add it to my presentation, I needed to work on it nonstop.
Especially since I’ll be out of town all weekend.
Before getting started, I pulled out my phone and called Bianca at work.
“Pho Gallery,” Bianca answered.
“Should I be worried that you sound so sexy at work?” I asked, mixing blue and green paints to create the color I needed.
She giggled quietly. “Ro!”
I stopped mixing and set the palate and brush down. Adjusting the phone that was pressed between my ear and my shoulder, I flopped heavily onto the couch. “I know you’re at work, but I just wanted to hear your voice before I threw myself into my work for the rest of the day.”
And I don’t want to get into an argument because I didn’t call. Lesson learned, I thought.
Bianca laughed lightly. “So basically you called because you learned your lesson from this weekend?”
I laughed. The fact that she knew me so well never ceased to amaze me.
“Yeah. Something like that,” I replied, still laughing. “But in addition to that, I wanted to hear your voice.”
“Did you hear that?”
“It was the sound of my panties melting.”
I groaned.
“Seriously, there’s a puddle right under my desk. It’s a mess.” She barely got the statement out without her voice quivering with a laugh she was holding back.
“Wait, wait, wait… so you’re telling me that not only do you sound sexy as hell, but you’re now sitting at your desk with no panties on? That’s it. I’m coming to New York.”
Hearing her laugh hysterically was the remedy to any and everything. It was only second to having her in my arms. Closing my eyes, I smiled into the phone, listening to the sound, relishing it.
“Oh my God! You’re about to get me fired. I have to go,” she whispered.
“Okay, okay. Don’t get fired. If I take a break, I’ll give you a call. I love you.”
“I love you too, Ro. Think about me.”
Ending the call, I placed my phone on the couch beside me.
I hate this.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed away the fear and uncertainty that plagued me every time I got off the phone with Bianca. Every time we said goodbye it reminded me that I didn’t get to see her whenever I wanted. It reminded me that I was here and she was there. And I missed her like crazy.
Chapter Three
“So B’s meeting the family. That’s huge,” Malik commented as he drove me to the airport. “You ready?”
“Obviously it’s not the best circumstances, but…yeah, I’m ready.”
“That is huge,” Brad noted from the backseat. “A huge mistake!”
Shaking my head, I laughed. “Easy, what is wrong with you?”
“Just trying to lighten the mood.” He paused. “But seriously, I won’t be introducing any women to my parents. That automatically ups the level of commitment.”
Malik turned into the airport. “Easy, you’re an ass.”
“No,” he replied, leaning forward, between us. “I get ass. There’s a difference.”
We laughed as Malik pulled up to the curb. “I needed that laugh,” I said, getting out of the car.
Malik and Brad got out as well. We did our trademark handshake that ended with us slapping each other on the back.
I looked back and forth between my best friends and nodded.
Malik had gotten off of work early because he’d been putting in so many hours and Brad generally worked nights and weekends, so when I told them about the funeral, they both insisted on making an afternoon out of it. They took me to a sports bar for a late lunch and a few beers before bringing me to the airport. Although we talked about William a little, they mostly tried to keep my mind off of the funeral and family and everything that’s associated with my hometown of Huntington, California.
And I appreciate them for that.
Grabbing my bag from the trunk, I felt a mixed bag of emotions.
“If you want us to come with you, say the word,” Brad offered.
“We have your back,” Malik added.
“No, it’s fine. Thank you, though. Both of you.”
“Give Elizabeth our condolences,” Brad said, running his hand through his blonde hair. “My parents are going to be so upset when they get back from their cruise. Let Elizabeth know they would’ve been there if they could.”
“I will, man. And I know she knows. They’ve been best friends longer than we’ve been alive.” I looked at my watch. “Bianca’s plane should be landing soon so I need to get checked in and ready to meet her. Thanks again for today, fellas. I needed it.”
Malik flashed me a smile. “Happy to help. Tell B we said hi.”
Backing away, I felt the corner of my lips turning up into a grin. “Yeah, I’ll tell her.”
“Oh shit! Look at that smile, Easy.” Malik pointed at me even though I was only a few feet away. “Young love.”
Brad started making noises in a falsetto tone of voice in response.
Holding in my laughter, I shook my head. “I need some new best friends because you two ain’t shit.”
They chuckled loudly as I turned around, heading toward the airport entrance.
“This ups the commitment. Don’t come back engaged!” Brad yelled to my back as I ambled through the double doors.
Without looking back, I shook my head, laughing to myself.
After checking my bag and getting through security, I waited impatiently for Bianca to meet me. Not wanting to be surrounded by a bunch of people, I tucked myself away in a corner by her gate for some solitude. Forty-seven minutes later, I received the notification that her flight had landed.
Standing, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and excitement. The anticipation of seeing Bianca always rattled me and settled me at the same time. Back when she was my teaching assistant that wasn’t the case. But while she was in Italy, something changed between us. And when she returned to Richmond, as hard as I tried, I couldn’t stop what I was feeling for her.
And I still can’t, I thought as my heart rate sped up at the sight of her hair.
With her coiled hair wild and loose around her shoulders, Bianca sauntered into the airport and I froze. The blood rushing in my ears drowned out any and everything else.
God, she’s beautiful.
My eyes ran down her profile and traveled down her curvy figure. The thin grey t-shirt couldn’t hide the swell of her breasts and the tight black
jeans showed off her rounded hips and ass. The sexy knee high boots made her taller than her five foot eight inches. My eyes slowly traveled back up her beautiful body and when our eyes locked, my heart stumbled. She was giving me that look that used to scare me shitless.
But not anymore.
My feet started moving instantly.
Clutching her leather jacket in her arms, she hoisted an oversized bag onto her shoulder and maneuvered by a family struggling with a stroller. I didn’t take my eyes off of her the entire time. Neither of us stopped moving until I scooped her up in my arms, lifting her off of the ground.
“Hi,” she sighed, breathlessly, into my neck.
I knew I had squeezed too hard, but I couldn’t help it.
Keeping her flushed against my body, I let her feet touch the floor. “Hi,” I whispered in return, pressing my hands against her cheeks.
Our faces were inches apart and as my eyes danced from her eyes to her lips, I didn’t know what I wanted more: to look at her or to kiss her. But as soon as I saw her tongue run between her full lips, I couldn’t hold back any longer.
Crashing my lips into hers, I kissed her hard. She gripped my shirt and pulled me even closer. I tried to rein myself in but when her tongue touched mine, I moaned and kissed her deeper. When I felt my body reacting, I slowed the kiss down. The sexy little whimper she let out as I pulled away made my dick twitch.
Opening my eyes, I watched as her long lashes fluttered open. Her big brown eyes stared up at me and I let out a slow breath.
“Next time, kiss me like you mean it,” she murmured with a smile.
“Only if next time you don’t look so excited to see me.”
Taking her bag, we walked hand in hand to our gate. She slowed down to a stop, pulling me toward the wall.
“Do you know what I thought about the entire flight?” Bianca’s throaty voice was almost breathy as she spoke.
My dick reacted.
“No.” Exhaling as she turned her body toward me and used the back of my hand to stimulate her hardened nipples, I continued, “But if you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to bend you over in this airport.”
Giving me a sly smile, Bianca took a step back. She licked her lips and then proceeded to pull me in the direction of the gate.
Why is she doing this to me? I groaned, feeling myself getting hard.
As we approached our gate, Bianca stopped in front of a single occupancy restroom. “We still have a few minutes. If I’m not back in one minute, come check on me.”
She let go of my hand and strolled into the restroom. I stood there in shock for a minute, letting my eyes trace the curves of her body as my mind wrapped around what she was asking.
Smiling in amusement, I looked around before watching her sexy ass saunter to the restroom
Did she mean what I think she meant? I laughed to myself. Or is she doing this to get me riled up before we get on the plane?
Tossing a sexy glance over her shoulder, Bianca eased through the door, closing it behind her.
I adjusted myself and waited. The lock never moved from green to red, it never moved from unlocked to locked.
She’s not serious, I thought in amusement as my dick twitched. If she comes back out, she was just kidding. But if she doesn’t…
I let the possibilities roll around in my head for about two minutes before discreetly looking around for airport security. When I didn’t see anyone, I hoisted my duffle bag on my shoulder and pulled Bianca’s luggage to the bathroom door. Turning the knob, I entered the unlocked restroom as discreetly as possible.
“Took you long enough,” Bianca whispered from her perch on the arm of a loveseat.
Dropping the luggage on a large metal rack beside her jacket, I moved silently across the space until I was standing right in front of her. My breathing was becoming rougher with each passing second as we held each other’s gaze. My heart thrashed in my chest as I saw her breathing change, her chest rising and falling quickly. We were absolutely silent, but the distant sounds of footsteps and talking could be heard through the walls.
I should stop this and we should just get on the plane. We can’t miss our flight. There’s not another one until tomorrow.
I gulped.
Even as I told myself all of the reasons I should stop, I missed Bianca too much. The desire I felt for her was too much. I knew I couldn’t stop myself.
“We don’t have much time,” I breathed as I cupped her face with both hands.
My eyes were fixated on her lips as I slid my hands down her neck and over her shoulders. When I reached her elbows, I pulled her into me with so much force that she gasped.
With Bianca’s lips parted slightly, I seized the opportunity to kiss her. Feeling the sweet heat of her lips, I moaned into her mouth. As I deepened the kiss, her tongue grazed mine and I felt my resolve break.
Spinning her around, I roughly pushed her against the wall and pinned her with my body. Her breath hitched at the force of the movement and I felt her body trembling in response. I tried to pull away to make sure she was okay, but she grabbed my head and pulled me back into the kiss.
“What. Are. You. Doing. To. Me?” I asked rhetorically between kisses.
She pulled away slightly, peering up at me through her lashes. The palm of her hand applied pressure against my dick as she rubbed me through my jeans. I closed my eyes and let my head drop back momentarily as she unzipped my fly. Her fingertips danced over my boxers and I could’ve exploded right then and there.
I sucked in a sharp breath and opened my eyes. “Don’t start anything you can’t finish, B,” I warned, desire ripping through my body. I kissed her softly, restraining myself. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed kissing you. I’ve missed the way your body feels against me. I’ve missed being inside of you.”
She licked her lips, running her tongue from one corner of her mouth to the other, silently begging me to kiss her again. “Show me how much you missed me,” she answered breathily.
I watched her predatorily before leaning down to trail kisses down her neck. My fingers gripped her hips as I kissed my way to her breasts. Looking up at her as my nose nuzzled her hardened nipples, I smirked. Biting down gently, I swirled my tongue around before sucking it through the thin fabric of her t-shirt.
Bianca sucked in a sharp breath before sighing. “Ro…” Arching her back to give me better access, she called my name again, a little louder.
Hearing my name rolling off of those sexy lips made me suck harder.
I unbuttoned her jeans and worked them down her hips.
“Oh shit...” I stared at the apex of her thighs and licked my lips. “You aren’t wearing any panties.”
I could see the desire in her eyes as her chest heaved.
I groaned.
Squatting in front of her, I pulled her pants down to her knees. My dick begged to be freed from the cotton confines as I found myself inhaling her sweet scent.
Standing up, I yanked her t-shirt over her head and tossed it on top of my duffle bag.
With one hand in her hair and one hand between her legs, I lost all sense of myself. Drowning in my lust, I kissed her deeper, harder as I stroked her wetness.
“God, I’ve missed you,” Bianca murmured into my mouth as she pulled my dick free of my boxers.
The anticipation to be inside of her was like nothing I’d ever experienced. My heart pounded in my throat with each of her frantic strokes of my dick. Using my middle finger, I massaged my way into her. She was wet, but because she was so tight, I was forced to slow down and control myself.
Sliding in and out of her, I curled my finger into her g-spot. She cried out.
Smothering her moans with my mouth, I sucked on her tongue the way I wanted to suck on her clit.
Unraveling my hand from her hair, I reached around to cup her smooth, round ass. I gripped it tightly and let out a grunt. I just wanted to pick
her up and fuck her up against the bathroom wall. But I needed to bring her to orgasm first.
“The things I would do to you if we were at home,” I growled, pulling my finger out of her and spreading her wetness over her clit. “I want to bend you over this couch right now. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
“Ro…” Bianca panted as I kissed her harder, caressing my tongue against hers. I could taste how badly she wanted me and how close she was to release.
Because of her jeans preventing me from lifting her legs, I tilted her hips upward, supporting her with just the wall and my arm around her waist.
Leaning down so that my lips brushed against the shell of her ear, I stroked her again. Her rapid breathing let me know I was hitting the mark. The faster I worked my fingers against her, the harder I became. Dipping my fingers back inside of her wetness, I groaned.
“God, B. Listen to how wet you are,” I growled hotly against her ear.
The smacking sound of her wetness faintly accompanied her sexy moans. Gyrating against my hand, she gripped my shoulders, panting with her eyes shut tight. My fingers moved in and out of her until I felt the tension tighten her entire lower body.
“Next time, it’ll be my tongue right here,” I murmured, flicking her clit.
“Oh God…fuck!” Bianca moaned loudly, too loudly, but I was too aroused to care if we were overheard. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest and my dick was so hard it hurt.
While her rigid body shook with her release, I brought her face to mine. Moving my lips over hers, we kissed with reckless abandon. The sweet taste of her lips made me crazy. I wanted her so bad that I was starting to lose control. I wasn’t thinking clearly.
Flipping her around, she yelped in surprise. I placed my hand in the center of her back, bending her over. I let my fingertips dance over her smooth bronze skin before I grabbed her hips tightly. Lining my dick up with her wet opening, I pressed against her.