Autumn and Summer Page 10
“Logan was a lot of fun. He was—”
“You have to start with what he looks like so I can visualize him!” Meghan interrupted.
“Okay. Logan is about 5’10” with shoulder length dark hair, dark brown eyes, and a golden brown complexion. He’s muscular, tattooed rocker type and he has a really laid back vibe.”
“He sounds perfect!”
I smiled and cocked my head to the side. I could definitely see Meghan with someone like Logan. “He was sexy and fun. Our date was at this traveling carnival in Northern Virginia. Because it was mid-week, hardly anyone was there. We rode a bunch of rides, ate a ridiculous amount of food, and played lots of games. It was really cool. He was funny and definitely quirky. But as we talked, it was clear that we weren’t on the same page. And beyond that, I wasn’t feeling it with him. We had more of a brother-sister vibe.”
“What is that ‘it’ you weren’t feeling with him?”
“I don’t know how to describe it,” I answered honestly. “But it just wasn’t there.”
Our food was placed in front of us and, as we ate our sandwiches, the thought I’d been forcing away since I got home from the carnival infiltrated my brain.
It’s like lust but deeper than that. It’s like…the feeling I get when I’m around Xavier, I silently admitted. Taking a long gulp of sweet tea, I shook off my previous thought. Why have I been trying to recreate the feelings I get when I’m around Xavier with every guy I go on a date with? What I am feeling for Xavier is just lust. And who could blame me? The man is built like a Greek god and those eyes are piercing. I am lusting after him. And now that I know that he’s unavailable, he’s like forbidden fruit. I’ve lusted after plenty of men and no, the feeling has never been this strong. But never have I seen a man who looks as good as Xavier does in a suit.
Satisfied with my justification of my feelings, I continued my conversation with Meghan. Regardless of where the conversation took us, she seemed to segue back to Logan.
“So you’re not interested in him at all?”
“No, not at all.” Smiling brightly, I said, “But it sounds like you are.”
Meghan blushed. “Well you did say he was a tattooed rocker type.”
We finished our lunch and having left from the patio exit, I didn’t worry about facing those clear blue eyes again.
As soon as we walked into our office building, I stopped and patted the top of my head. Hastily opening up my camera bag, I looked around. “Dammit!” I grumbled.
“What’s wrong?” Meghan asked, looking around nervously.
“I left my glasses at the bistro. Ugh! Today is not my day,” I complained as I rubbed my temple with my free hand.
“You want me to walk back with you?” She checked her watch. “We have a couple more minutes.”
“No, you need to get upstairs. I have a shoot this afternoon anyway. My stuff is already in the trunk of my car and I don’t really need my laptop. I’ll just walk back, get the glasses, and then drive to the first location to set up.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely positive. Thanks though.”
“See you tomorrow.”
We said our goodbyes and then I turned around and walked the same route I had just traveled. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to take my time and enjoy the scenery. I had some time to kill.
By the time I made it back to the bistro, the tail end of the lunch rush had vanished. Very few people remained. Xavier isn’t here anymore, I thought, skimming the room, as that same mixture of disappointment and relief washed over me.
“Hi,” I greeted the waiter who had taken care of us ten minutes ago. “I left my glasses on the table we were sitting at on the patio.”
“Oh, I remember.” Walking to the hostess stand, he reached high on a shelf and pulled down my sunglasses.
“Thank you so much!”
Turning around, I walked slowly to the parking deck behind the Infinity building. I let the sun warm my skin as I took my time. I imagined how my photo shoot of Caleb Stratton was going to pan out. Entrepreneur and socialite, Caleb was the son of Henry Stratton of the StratFord Consulting firm.
Hopping in my car, I drove across town letting my GPS guide me to a luxury apartment complex. Pulling into the underground parking garage, I gave the attendant my name and he allowed me to enterthrough the gates. I navigated into a tight parking spot and quickly grabbed all of my bags. Even though I had almost an hour to spare, I wanted to check out the property’s amenities.
This is niiiiice, I thought as I walked through the lavish lobby.
“May I help you?” the bored tone of a man in black suit echoed through the empty lobby.
“Yes, actually. I’m doing a photo shoot with one of your tenants and I wanted to see if I could get some assistance with my bags. I’m going to the tenth floor. It’s Mr.—”
“You’re going to the penthouse?” he interrupted in surprise.
Switching my camera bag to my other shoulder, I asked, “Is that on the tenth floor?”
“That’s the only apartment on that floor.”
I stared at him and willed myself not to roll my eyes. “Well then, that’s where I’m going.”
“He usually avoids the press.” He looked at me suspiciously for a minute. “Do you have the visitor’s code?”
“Yes.” Rummaging through the side pocket of my camera bag, I pulled out my cell phone and rattled off the code.
“Very well,” he conceded with a sharp nod.
He beckoned over a younger man who was wearing the exact same suit to carry my bag to a small elevator. Swiping a card, we entered the elevator and when we made it to the tenth floor, the young man swiped the card again to get the elevator doors to open. I was looked around, awestruck, at the décor. With the stone tile leading from the elevator to a large wooden door, it looked like a walkway to a house. Placing my bags by the door on the welcome mat, he nodded sharply once before retreating back to the elevator.
Squaring my shoulders, I raised my fist to knock when the door opened.
“Xavier,” I breathed, completely caught off guard, my fist still in mid-air.
Xavier’s eyes locked on mine. His pupils dilated as he watched my stunned face. My lips parted and I wanted to say something—anything—but nothing came out.
It was quiet for a beat before he asked roughly, “What are you doing here?”
His voice was harsh, but the softness in his eyes made the delivery less brusque. But I still didn’t appreciate his tone. Who does he think he is? I thought as I placed my hands on my hips. His tone made me angry, but the fact that my heart was still racing made me angrier.
“What are you doing here?” I snapped back.
“Are you following me? Because I think it’s interesting that you’ve been popping up a lot lately,” Xavier pointed out, looking down at my bags.
I watched his eyes move from my bags to my shoes and then travel up my body. I felt the heat of his gaze sear through the cotton of my jumper. I tried to fight the fluttering in my belly, but being around him was intoxicating. When we made eye contact again, I mustered my strength and glared at him.
“Are you kidding me?” I scoffed.
“No. How did you find me? How did you even get up here?”
“How did I find you? I wasn’t looking for you!” Each syllable was curt and I hissed through clenched teeth. I could feel my face flushing. “Why the hell would I be looking for you?”
He looked at me calmly which only enraged me more. “Okay. Calm down. I just—”
“No, you self-important asshole. Don’t imply that I’m stalking you and then tell me to calm down.” Xavier folded his arms and smirked as I continued, “Get over yourself. I’m here to shoot Caleb Stratton.”
Perplexed, his eyebrows came together as he let what I said sink in. “You’re here to shoot Caleb? Here?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, the elevator door opened. I snapped my neck toward the elevator an
d watched Caleb Stratton saunter out with garment bags in hand. He slowed to a stop and looked back and forth at us in the doorway.
“Dude, I’ve been calling you! Since the floors of my place are being redone and I spend as much time here as I do at home, I was hoping I could shoot this eligible bachelor spread with Style Magazine here.”
Xavier didn’t say anything so I interjected. “Hello, Caleb. I believe I spoke with your assistant. I’m Summer. I’ll be your photographer today.”
Shaking my hand, Caleb said, “Well hello…” He dragged the word out with a charming Southern drawl. “It’s nice to meet you, Summer. Hopefully we’ll be shooting here.” He raised his eyebrows at Xavier. “But if not, we could go to my office.”
I completely turned my back to Xavier to respond. “If we can’t shoot here, we can go through your list of hobbies and figure out the best location to relocate. Or we could just go to your office.”
“No, you can shoot here,” Xavier conceded, opening his front door. Looking at me, he continued, “I can take your bags.”
“I’m fine,” I fired back as I pulled the heavy bag through the threshold of the penthouse.
When Caleb walked past Xavier, he asked, “Are you still going to that thing with Camilla tonight?”
“Yeah, I’m about to leave,” he grunted his reply. I could feel his eyes on the back of me.
I walked straight ahead to the large picturesque window in the living room area. Scoping the area out, I decided to use both the living room and the balcony off of the living room as backdrops. As I started taking equipment out of my bag, I heard Caleb and froze.
Failing horribly at whispering, Caleb said, “Well, I didn’t know the photographer was going to be hot, so the sooner you leave, the sooner I can make my move. I’m going to give her an eyeful and let the chips fall where they may.”
I didn’t hear Xavier’s response, because all I could hear was the blood rushing to my ears. Caleb’s plan coupled with Xavier’s frosty welcome took my anger to a whole new level. I turned around and marched over to them.
“Listen,” I started forcefully. “I have a job to do and we only have this light for a little while longer, so let’s get a couple things straight before we begin. The only thing I’m interested in doing is my job. I’m going to take your photos and then I’m going home. Xavier’s presence here is inconsequential because you will not be making any moves on me. Are we clear?”
Silence filled the room as both men gaped at me. Xavier was the first one to break as I saw the slight uptick of the corner of his mouth as his eyes burned into mine. Ripping my eyes from his, I looked from Xavier to Caleb, my chest heaving. I felt the anger and adrenaline fizzling out of me.
Caleb’s eyes were wide as he said, “Umm…okay.”
“We only have about an hour with this light. Are you wearing that for the shoot or are you changing?” I asked irritably, folding my arms over my chest.
“I’ll go change,” Caleb said as he brushed by me and headed to what I could only imagine were bedrooms.
I glared at the back of his head, hoping I made him uncomfortable. Yeah, you better walk away with your tail between your legs you arrogant son of a bit—
“That shut him up,” Xavier interrupted with a chuckle.
I whipped my head back toward him, causing my hair to cascade and fall around me. “What?”
His eyes were almost glowing with amusement and his voice sounded as if he were stifling his laughter. “That was pretty bad-ass.”
“Don’t talk to me,” I huffed, turning on my heel and walking to my camera bags. It was easier being mad if I wasn’t staring at him. I wasn’t as upset as I was before, but I still wasn’t going to chum it up with that jerk. “I wouldn’t want you to think I’m stalking you because we happen to be in the same place at the same time.”
“Look,” he started. I heard his footsteps padding against the hardwood floor, but I continued pulling camera parts from my bag. “I didn’t mean—”
“You didn’t mean what? To say that I was stalking you?” Standing abruptly, I spun around toward him.
Wow, he’s close, I thought as my heart rate sped up. We were face to face and my eyes took in his chiseled features and then honed in on his lips. I wonder if they are as soft as they look.
Tearing my eyes away from him, I looked just above his left shoulder, resisting eye contact.
“I was caught off guard, but that doesn’t excuse my behavior. And when I’m wrong, I’m wrong.” Reaching out, the tips of his fingers softly grazed my cheek. Using his thumb and forefinger, he guided my head and gently forced me to look at him again. My breath hitched as whatever it was between us paralyzed me. Between his touch and the look in his eyes, I caved slightly and allowed myself to lean into his hand.
Whispering, he said, “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to—”
“Okay, let’s do this!” Caleb’s voice boomed down the hallway causing me to jump away from Xavier.
Caleb appeared moments later and looked at us quizzically. “I thought you would’ve already been across town by now. It’s too bad you and Camilla are going to that dinner instead of watching my modeling debut? That way you all can say, you knew me when I first started out,” he joked, spinning in a circle.
Camilla, I repeated silently. I glanced at Xavier and shook my head. My face was still flushed from the contact with Xavier and the realization that I let myself get caught up in another moment with him. What the hell am I thinking? This is Josh all over again. Except this time I’m feeling ‘sparks ’and creating ‘moments.’ Ugh! Clearly, I just need to get laid. And not by some guy with a girlfriend.
“Let’s go to the balcony and get the outdoor shots first,” I instructed Caleb firmly as I made my way to the patio doors.
“Oh let me get my watch,” Caleb said before taking off across the room and down the hallway.
I slid the patio door open and looked back. “Enjoy your date, Xavier.” My voice was cold and void of all emotion.
I stepped out onto the large patio with modern furniture and a beautiful view of the city. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Xavier walk away. Immediately, I shook off everything else and snapped pictures of the cityscape.
Chapter 10: Autumn
Autumn Jones: Thank you so much for the flowers! They are beautiful!
Boris: You’re welcome. I just wanted to let you know that you’re on my mind. Thanks for getting me through the work week. Thank God it’s Friday.
Autumn Jones: YES!! But how did I get you through the work week?
Boris: Well since Monday, I’ve been thinking about an upcoming date I have with this beautiful, intelligent woman with a sweet voice and it made my week fly by.
Autumn Jones: You’re so sweet! I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow.
Boris: Exactly. So I’ve come up with something for us to do, but I think per the instructions Summer gave me, I can’t tell you. But I can guarantee that it will be a night you won’t forget.
Autumn Jones: Can I get a hint?
Boris: The 80s.
Autumn Jones: What?!
Boris: A couple of days ago you mentioned something about the 80s. That’s all I’m going to say.
Autumn Jones: We’ve talked so much this week… I have no idea what I could’ve possibly said about the 80s.
Boris: Well, looks like you’ll be in for a surprise tomorrow.
Autumn Jones: I’m not ashamed to tell you how hard I’m smiling. I probably should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I am so excited!
Boris: Good. And I can’t wait to see that smile on your face.
Autumn Jones: You are so charming, you know that?
Boris: You’ve mentioned it a time or two this week.
Autumn Jones: Well if you keep this up, I’m going to start calling you Prince Charming.
Boris: Prince Charming, huh? Well then what should I call you?
Autumn Jones: Autumn.
Boris: Hahaha I s
ee. Well I wish I could sit on the phone with you all day, but duty calls.
Autumn Jones: Look at it this way, the sooner you get your work done, the sooner it’ll be Saturday.
Boris: That’s what I’m banking on. I’ll talk to you later.
Autumn Jones: Definitely! Have fun at work!
Putting my phone to my chest, I leaned back against my pillow and sighed. Every day, multiple times a day, Boris managed to put a smile on my face.
“What are you doing?” Summer asked as she burst into my room, startling me.
Smiling guiltily, I replied, “Getting ready for my date with James Franco.”
Summer eyed me suspiciously. “Then why are you lying across the bed with that love struck look on your face?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I responded as I put my phone down on top of my oldest copy of Pride and Prejudice.
“You weren’t reading…” Summer walked slowly across the room. “I think you were…” Grabbing my phone quickly, she held it high in the air so I couldn’t reach it. “Talking on the phone to Boris.”
Laughing, I hopped off the bed and headed to my walk-in closet. “I wasn’t talking to him. Just a quick text conversation before he headed back to work and I got ready for my hot date.”
“You’re kinda into him, aren’t you?” Summer asked, tossing my phone onto my comforter and following me into the closet.
Downplaying the truth, I replied, “He’s cool.” I bit my lip so that my smile would be relatively normal.
“Between Boris Kodjoe and James Franco, I truly believe these two are the cream of the crop for you.”
Holding up an emerald green cocktail dress, I said, “I think this is the one.”
Summer’s eyes lit up. “I’m not confirming or denying that this dress will match James Franco’s eyes.”
“Well then, this is definitely it!” We headed out of the closet, but I stopped and grabbed a pair of black stiletto heels.
Summer looked back at what I was doing. “Oh yeah! Those are sexy! He’s tall so that’s a nice choice,” she hinted with a smile.
“So, tall and green eyes. I like him already! Now what are you wearing on your date with Roosevelt?”